Pastor Peter Lui (雷吉源牧師 ) ministered at Gilead Bible Church starting June 2019, and was ordinated to be our Senior Pastor in October 2021. He grew up in a traditional Chinese family in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States when he was young. He was invited to participate in a Bible study group when he attended U.C. Berkeley, but did not accept Jesus as his personal savior until after he graduated from U.C. Berkeley, when he was working in Los Angeles. He served in EFC Los Angeles Christian Church and in 1989 moved with his wife Ruby back to the Bay Area where his parents live. Both Peter and Ruby served in the Mandarin congregation of San Jose Christian Alliance Church for many years. Peter was an elder of the church and has been certain of God’s call to full-time ministry for a while. After graduation from Christian Witness Theological Seminary (CWTS) with a Master of Christian Ministry degree in 2018, he served at Faith in Grace Bible church for one year. He enjoys reading, spending time with people, swimming, basketball, fishing, and hiking. Peter and Ruby have two daughters and two sons.
雷吉源牧師於2019 年 六 月開始在基列聖經教會服侍,並於 2021 年 十 月被按立為我們的主任牧師。雷牧師在香港傳統拜菩薩環境中長大,後來移民到美國。 大學期間被邀請到查經班認識神的愛和公義。在畢業後工作期間認識從台灣來的妻子張美娥,後來在洛杉磯台福基督教會接受主耶穌基督為個人救主。在1982年被劉富理牧師施洗後在教會不同的崗位服事。1989年搬到灣區參加山河市華人宣道會聚㑹,後來被按立成為教會國語部長老。多年來知道神要他全時間出來服事,2014年開始在基督工人神學院進修教牧碩士學位。2018年畢業後在恩信教會學習一年。雷傳道與妻子育有二女二男;愛讀書,交友,游泳,籃球,釣魚,登山。

Pastor John Jiang (姜子金 牧師) graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary (CWTS) with a Master of Divinity degree in May and was called to be our Pastor Intern in June 2022 with ministry emphasis to the Chinese congregation. He served as our seminary intern from September 2020 – May 2022. Pastor John is a native of Shenyang, China, and has over 20 years of pastoral, administrative and teaching experiences. Together with wife Anna and their two sons, they take this verse to heart: “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
姜子金牧師,於 2022年五月畢業於基督工人神學院 (CWTS),獲得神學碩士學位,並於 2022 年 六 月被呼召為我們的實習牧師,專注於中文會眾的事工。他於 2020 年 九 月至 2022 年 五 月擔任本教會的神學院實習生。姜牧師是中國沉陽人,擁有超過 二十 年的牧養教會、行政和教學經驗。 他與妻子鄭春艷和他們的兩個兒子一起以 “至於我和我的家,我們必定事奉耶和華” 這節經文為心志。