舊約時代,基列出產一種乳香,有醫療效果 (耶利米書 8:22, 46:11, 51:8) 。神的子民應該像基列的乳香—藉著耶穌基督的愛與救贖的福音,來服事和醫治心靈破碎的人。於是五個家庭與一位牧師在1992年12月成立了「基列聖經教會」。
藉著神的祝福與信實,眾信徒的奉獻,教會於1997 在 聖琳蒙市置了產業。經過多項的整修,1998 年復活節的主日,我們在新會所舉行了第一個敬拜。這些年來,我們的教會多次經歷且見證神的慈愛,憐憫與恩典。
今天,基列聖經教會有英文與普通話的崇拜。有英文、普通話及粵語的主日學查經班。我們每周有禱告會;成年人每月有團契 ;每年都會舉辦數個家庭活動。
In Old Testament times, Gilead was known for a balm with healing properties (Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11, 51:8). Bearing in mind that God’s people should be like the balm of Gilead—serving and healing the broken-hearted
with the love and redemptive gospel of Jesus Christ, five families and a pastor started Gilead Bible Church in December 1992.
Initially, the church met at the pastor’s home in San Ramon. When the church grew, worship services were moved to a local elementary school. Initially, services and Sunday School classes were in Cantonese only. As the needs of the congregation grew, services and classes in English were added.
Through God’s blessing and the faithfulness and generosity of many, the church purchased a property in San Ramon in 1997. After extensive re-modeling, our first worship service in the new property was held on Easter Sunday 1998. Over the years, our church has witnessed many dramatic demonstrations of God’s love, mercy, and grace.
Today, Gilead Bible Church has worship services in English and Mandarin, as well as Sunday School Bible study classes in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We also offer weekly prayer meetings, monthly fellowship meetings for adults, and several family events throughout the year.
Our goal is to glorify God by serving Him and serving our neighbors in the San Ramon Valley and nearby communities.
We warmly invite you to join us, and prepare to be blessed!