About Gilead Bible Church
In Old Testament times, Gilead was known for a balm with healing properties (Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11, 51:8). Bearing in mind that God’s people should be like the balm of Gilead — serving and healing the broken-hearted with the love and redemptive gospel of Jesus Christ — five families and a pastor started Gilead Bible Church in December 1992. Initially, the church met at the pastor’s home in San Ramon. When the church grew, worship services were moved to a local elementary school. Initially, services and Sunday School classes were in Cantonese only. As the needs of the congregation grew, services and classes in English and Mandarin were added. Through God’s blessing and the faithfulness and generosity of many, the church purchased a property in San Ramon in 1997. After extensive remodeling, our first worship service in the new property was held on Easter Sunday 1998. Over the years, our church has witnessed many dramatic demonstrations of God’s love, mercy, and grace. Today, Gilead Bible Church has worship services in English and Mandarin, and has Sunday School classes in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We also offer weekly prayer meetings, weekly fellowship meetings, monthly fellowship meetings, and several family events throughout the year. Our goal is to glorify God by helping to meet the spiritual needs of residents in the San Ramon Valley and nearby communities. We welcome you to join us!
Our Pastoral Staff

Pastor Peter Lui (雷吉源) became Pastor of Gilead Bible Church in June 2019. He grew up in a traditional Chinese family in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States when he was young. He was invited to participate in a Bible study group when he attended U.C. Berkeley, but did not accept Jesus as his personal savior until after he graduated from U.C. Berkeley, when he was working in Los Angeles. He served in EFC Los Angeles Christian Church and in 1989 moved with his wife Ruby back to the Bay Area where his parents live. Both Peter and Ruby served in the Mandarin congregation of San Jose Christian Alliance Church for many years. Peter was an elder of the church and has been certain of God’s call to full-time ministry for a while. After graduation from Christian Witness Theological Seminary (CWTS) with a Master of Christian Ministry degree in 2018, he served at Faith in Grace Bible church for one year. He enjoys reading, spending time with people, swimming, basketball, fishing, and hiking. Peter and Ruby have two daughters and two sons.
雷吉源傳道在2019年六月成為基列聖經教會牧者。在香港傳統拜菩薩環境中長大,後來移民到美國。 大學期間被邀請到查經班認識神的愛和公義。在畢業後工作期間認識從台灣來的妻子張美娥,後來在洛杉磯台福基督教會接受主耶穌基督為個人救主。在1982年被劉富理牧師施洗後在教會不同的崗位服事。1989年搬到灣區參加山河市華人宣道會聚㑹,後來被按立成為教會國語部長老。多年來知道神要他全時間出來服事,2014年開始在基督工人神學院進修教牧碩士學位。2018年畢業後在恩信教會學習一年。雷傳道與妻子育有二女二男;愛讀書,交友,游泳,籃球,釣魚,登山。

Pastor Yot Lee (李一) retired from full-time ministry at Gilead Bible Church in 2009 after five years of faithful service. He continues to serve at Gilead as a guest speaker and Bible study teacher. He graduated from Golden Gate Seminary. His background includes many years as a Sunday School teacher, youth director, and pastor.
During his tenure at Gilead, he preached with deep insights from Scripture, ministered passionately to the youth, and organized the by-laws of the church. He is a loving teacher, faithful servant of God, and a shepherd who perseveres to love His church.

姜子金弟兄,中國遼寧省人。經歷神的呼召、引導,在國內教會服事20餘年,現于美國基督工人神學院 (Christian Witness Theological Seminary)進修道學碩士學位。自2020年九月, 为基列聖經教會實習神學生。夫妻同為全職傳道人,育有2子。“至於我和我家,我們必定侍奉耶和華!”
Statement of Faith
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, and as the only basis for our beliefs. Gilead Bible Church accepts “The Baptist Faith & Message,” a 2000 affirmation of basic Christian beliefs of the Southern Baptist Convention, as a general statement of our faith.